Saturday, April 11, 2015

Beauty Sleep

I have been spending the week with my best friend. We are so crazy together, and a couple common phrases that have come from this weekend are "#WhyImSingle" and "#DearFutureHusband." I joked that I should start a blog all about the crazy, sweet, and quirky things that make up my personality. This way, if her or I think a guy may be a prospect, we can direct them here......just so they know EXACTLY what they are getting!

I have reeled my brain about what to pick first, and I have decided that since waking up in the morning is the first thing I do, that would be an appropriate place to start! So, here goes...

I do not understand the phrase beauty, at all! They call it beauty sleep, yet 98% of the time, I wake up looking like a troll. To help, think Anna on Coranation Day in Frozen. If you don't get the reference:

This is basically the epitome of me when I wake up in the morning. Drool, squinty eyes, crazy hair, and all. I can usually get myself put together fairly quickly, don't believe me.....just watch!


Becomes this:


Becomes this:

But, most of the time, my hair just looks like this:

So please, when you wake up with me that first morning after our wedding, don't even worry....yes, I usually look like that in the morning, no I don't care if you laugh, and I am sorry for any drool that may be on my face, or your pillow!


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